So, we've been just a little busy.

Hey folks.  If you're a fan of what we do, you probably saw our last update was a long time ago and you're thinking "What's up with these guys?"

Well, long story short - we've been busy little bees, and building out our brick and mortar retail shop.  We've been working hard to get open this year in time for you to enjoy having a place to visit to get your fly fishing fix... your clubhouse to hang out, talk fishing, grab what you need, and come back again to tell us all about your fishing adventures.

We promise the new shop won't be the same old fishing store you've seen open time and again in the Washington DC metro area.  We took advice from our customers, from friends, and from many people in the fly fishing industry and we're looking to make District Angling your favorite place to head to, regardless of whether it's because you need gear for a trip, you don't want to sit in traffic on the way home, you need a cup of coffee and feel like venting, or you want to introduce your husband to your favorite sport.

So here's a quick teaser - this is a BEFORE photo.  Enjoy the anticipation!
