The Gunpowder River is an urban trout fishers dream. Close to civilization, yet sheltered enough to feel like you’re miles away from another person. Nestled away in the heart of Baltimore County, this premium tailwater originates at Prettyboy Reservoir and winds its way through the towns of Parkton, Hereford, Monkton, Sparks, Glencoe, and all the way through before it ends in the Loch Raven Reservoir.This river was historically managed strictly as a means of moving water between impoundments - this is where the city of Baltimore gets it’s water. The Central Line provides water to 1.8 million people.

Today the river is broken down into 3 sections - the artificials only 7.2 mile upper catch and release section (from the Pretty Boy Dam to Blue Mount Road ), the 4.2 mile middle stretch down to Corbett Road (2 fish per day), and the lower stretch down to Loch Raven Reservoir which is a put & take fishery (5 fish per day).

This river is incredibly scenic, stretching across over 20,000 acres of mostly public land. Most of the fish in the upper catch & release section are wild, with about 95% of the fish being brown trout, although the upper stretch is largely rainbow trout water with fast pocket water and high gradient. It is not uncommon to catch brook trout as well. It boasts about 1500 trout per mile in the upper stretch, and down to about 200 trout per mile in the lower sections.

The catch & release section is line on both sides by the Lefty Kreh Trail honoring the late angler who brought more attention to this fishery in the last 50 years.

How To Fish This Section Of River:

Wading is best under 200 cfs. 75-125 cfs. is optimal for fishing.