Fletcher's Cove Cleanup Confirmed

THE CLEANUP DATE IS CONFIRMED and will take place on 1/26/2019.

It’s recommended that you dress for very cold weather. Due to the shutdown and season, facilities on site are very limited. Bottled water, snacks and a warming station will be provided.

Work Plan for Fletchers Cove Clean Up Day on Saturday January 26th

If you have selected a team assignment and arrival time you are good to go. If you have not selected a team/arrival time or you are a new volunteer sign up here.


Access Team   Arrival Time 7:30 AM on 1/26/19
Upon your arrival please proceed through the tunnel to the footbridge pull over area just before access to the lower FC parking lot. You will be instructed on where to park. See map on second page.  Your objective is to clear a lane wide enough to allow access to lower parking for the teams that follow. If you are using a chainsaw please make sure the area 10 feet around you is clear of any other volunteers.

Shovel Team    Arrival Time 9:00 AM on 1/26/19 Should the river level allow, your initial task is to dig out the aluminum walkway buried in sediment. The next task (depending on river level) will be to grade the sediment berm that will allow the repositioning of the floating walkway. The photograph below marks the area to grade.

In addition to gloves, shovels and single wheel wheelbarrows, knee, hip boots or waders are recommended.  If the river level is to high for either task please help stack the driftwood.

Clean Up Team Arrival Time 10:00 AM on 1/26/19
The Clean Up Team will be asked to canvas the park area to clean up trash and stack drift wood in designated locations. Heavy gloves and boots are recommended.

Your initial interest and willingness to pitch in has provided even more advocacy for our cause.  It’s making a difference! All FFC followers and stakeholders are grateful for your effort. This announcement is also posted at Friends of Flecthers Cove.org

To expedite the arrival process please complete this waiver form online. Hard copy waivers will also be provided on site.  New volunteers may still sign up here.