Returns & Exchanges

We understand that sometimes what you receive is not what you expected. We also understand that these items are often as precious to you as your time on the water. For that reason we want to make sure you are not only satisfied, but happy with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with an item please feel free to send it back for a full refund (less shipping costs), or to exchange it for another item.

*We will gladly accept returns of non-sale or clearance items within 20 days of the delivery date, provided the product is still is new condition and in it’s original packaging.

Refund Options:

  • Refund to the Original Credit Card (If within 20 days of delivery)
  • Refund to a District Angling Gift Card (If after 20 days of delivery)
  • Replace Item (Please specify size/color for replacement)

Return/Exchange Instructions:

Please include the following information with your returned items:

  • Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address
  • A copy of your receipt
  • A brief description of why you are you returning the item? We want to know why you were not satisfied. (Your feedback is important and helps us improve our product selection and customer service.)
  • Whether you would like an exchange for another item or items, or would prefer a refund
  • If you prefer an exchange, what are the new item(s) you would like us to send you?

Please send returned items to:

District Angling
2105 N. Pollard Street
Arlington, VA  22207
Phone: (703) 268-7500

*All sales on clearance and sale priced items are final.*

**Refund amount may vary. Items will be reviewed/inspected to verify it is in "new condition and in it’s original packaging".  Items not found in this condition will either be returned to you with NO refund issued, or charged a restocking fee (typically 15% of the items total less taxes).